  all pope all the time
a colleague joked, "if i see a dead pope on the cover of my paper again. ..."

we all laughed, because he is, after all, still dead. tomorrow, we're going to cover places where people are watching coverage of the pope.

naturally. this is how today's news is. kinna like a snake eating its own tail. you're not at the center of action, but you're expected to cover your own back yard, because the lives of normal people are, after all, still important.

in the old days, they used to write tomes of novels about life's minutiae and titled them "ulysses" and "portraits."

but then again, they also couldn't travel to the moon and wirelessly practice storytelling via electronic pulses literally plucked from the air. our tools have improved beyond measure, but our stories haven't.

john paul II wrote something about this as well - when i find it, i'll blog.


Pope John Paul II funeral viewing gatherings:

Five Holy Martyrs Church
4327 S. Richmond St.
(773) 254-3636
2 a.m. funeral vigil

The northwest side Jesuit Community Center in Portage Park also has a 2 a.m. funeral mass and viewing scheduled.

Loyola University Chicago
Stella Maris Chapel, second floor of the Mundelein Center
6525 N. Sheridan Road
11:45 a.m. Celebration of the Eucharist

DePaul University telecast, Holy Father’s Funeral Liturgy
All Morning (continuous re-broadcast)
Lincoln Park Student Center
DePaul Center, 11th floor
There will also be a funeral mass, St. Vincent de Paul Church 1010 W. Webster Ave. Contact: Richard Balentine, 773-325-4869.


April 8, Romeoville: Polish-language Mass at 6 a.m. St. Andrew the Apostle, 530 Glen Ave.

April 8, Bensenville: Trilingual masses at 7 p.m. at St. Andrew the Apostle and St. Alexis, 400 W. Wood St.

April 9, Champaign: St. Matthew Catholic Church. 11 a.m. 1303 Lincolnshire Drive.

April 10, Wood Dale: Bishop Joseph L. Imesch celebrates a memorial Mass. 1 p.m. Holy Ghost Church, 254 N. Wood Dale Road.

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