  i am ok now
see that brown stuff on the ground outside? oh ok, you're downtown in the concrete jungle at work still.

see the brown stuff in the planters? ya. that's me: dirt. yay!

better now coz i checked email and received a reminder for a party invite for saturday. evite responses are always hilarious! ahahaha if you get to invite people to such things like a houseparty, you should definitely keep the comments box open for all to see. it'll lighten up sullen people like me! :-D

par exemple:

Stacy M
This is, like, so awesome! Like, ya know?! AWESOME!

Megan R
Yay, it'll be fun!

Anna J
Can't wait! Now I just need to find some big hoop earings, scrunchies, leg warmers and a Flashdance sweatshirt!

Melissa (+ 1 guest)
Ben has been dying to dress up like Adam Ant, and I have been dying to wear that Pretty in Pink dress that I bought on ebay for $500.

Tracy (+ 1 guest)
Count Eric and I in.

Matthew H (+ 1 guest)
Like totally radical, man. Keri and I will totally be there. Totally.

Gregory M (+ 1 guest)
Sounds pretty fresh to me. We'll be there

Martha I (+ 1 guest)
what to where? what to where? I think Becky still has some parachute pants. ;)

Maura (+ 1 guest)
Bob and I will definitely be there!

Alysia T (+ 1 guest)
Totally tubular! I wouldn't miss it.

Glenn J

80's ???? can't we do a 40's thing! Jorgen does the 80's thing everyday, it's nothing new and exciting for him.

j r
Rock on... I'll have to start growing my mullet back.

Alanna H
I will be there

Nicole D
Mike and I are, like, soooo totally there -- although I'll have to invest in some strong hair spray to recreate my '80s 'do!

Mary B (+ 1 guest)
Hopefully Eddy will be in town for the party.

Chathia J (+ 1 guest)
I cannot wait!! Might have to break out the neon socks!

Tamara S
I'm there! Hmmm, now where'd I put those darned leg warmers ...

this "yes" list is getting too happy. let me break it with a few notable "no"s

Unfortunately, I have a wedding that same night. So sad. I was really looking forward to digging out my off-the-shoulder sweatshirt.

melanie, back in the 80s I would this sounds really groovy. shit, that was the 60s. Anyway, there was a time when we would have loved to attend a party that begins at 9 pm. Now we go to parties that end by then. Actually, we are having a birthday party for eleanor. She's turning the big 0-3. Sorry we won't make it. It really does sound fun.

Gonna have to pass on this one, with regrets since it sounds particularly hilarious. Unlike most of your guests, I'll bet, I was there throughout the '80s as a full-grown adult already, man!

back to the "yes"s. the party's theme is 80s, so that's why the jokes sound strange to you young pups.

The good ol' days when herpes was scary! I'll be there!

...as long as I get to breakdance (LOL).

Steve G
Can't wait!

Torie MickeyD
Sure! I 'll bring my Breakin' movies and have a slumber party!

yay!... heehee. one word: MENUDO!

now i hafta forget that it'll be a house crawling with potential sharks and employers so i gotta behave ahahahaha. ...
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