  talking about london
H! Thank u! Im fine nd safe. Praise god! Hope ur ok. Tc! Gb!
- backtext from hazel, 070705, 1:03 p.m. london.

ulanmaya (3:32:46 PM): hi, gilbert! how r u
ulanmaya (3:32:49 PM): r u busy?
gilbert (3:33:11 PM): sorta, but a little free, y?
ulanmaya (3:33:12 PM): were you one of those who was angry when the sfc conf was cancelled because of the sept. 11 attacks?
gilbert (3:33:49 PM): no not really
ulanmaya (3:34:16 PM): how come?
gilbert (3:35:49 PM): i understood the circumstances involving the situation
ulanmaya (3:36:42 PM): i see. ok thanks
gilbert (3:37:09 PM): that's it?
ulanmaya (3:37:56 PM): well, you were near the area, you saw the extent of damage on all sides - not just physically, but emotionally
ulanmaya (3:38:17 PM): some of those who wanted the conf to continue lived on the west coast or here in the middle states
gilbert (3:38:25 PM): yeah, I wasn't directly involved but I can see from the environment how bad it really was
ulanmaya (3:38:49 PM): r u still with the NYSE?
gilbert (3:38:53 PM): yes
ulanmaya (3:39:06 PM): did u guys close when london happened?
ulanmaya (3:39:15 PM): or slow trading?
gilbert (3:39:17 PM): nope, trading continued
gilbert (3:39:57 PM): even the london exchange continued trading
ulanmaya (3:41:53 PM): were you able to notice anything change there, at the nyse, in nyc in general, when the london attacks happened?
ulanmaya (3:42:00 PM): aside from heightened security?
ulanmaya (3:42:05 PM): and then i'll let you go ahahaha
gilbert (3:42:23 PM): heightened security for downtown manhattan was definitely there
gilbert (3:42:37 PM): that's pretty much all I noticed
ulanmaya (3:43:17 PM): thanks for taking time to talk to me ahaha - i was just curious
gilbert (3:43:29 PM): ok
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