  opening ceremonies
hehehe... the turin 2006 olympics are bombastic as ever. of course it's still interesting, with the great effects and dances. wish they used more italian music, though, ahaha, now the world won't know about the great dance/electronica coming from that country anymore, ahaha.

they used a lot of u.s. 80s tunes, and only a certain type person appreciates those... ahahaha... i'm sure many u.s. people groaned. but the biggest consumers and delegates of such games as the olympics come from the u.s. anyways. ahahaha.

bronze goes to great britain... whose overcoats look a lot like france's! ahahaha and whose parade lines were so organized; the men sported black overcoats while the women beige ones, just what you'd expect from this country.

silver goes to the italians - for always seizing front and center with fashion!

gold for the coolest gear goes to canada!!! ahahaha i think that gear goes well with frigid temperatures in the polar cities... but also here in chicago!!! ahahaha - too bad roots doesn't sell them like they used to sell gear from other games!!!

most colorful goes to spain and germany! spain for their yellow pants and germany for... well... their confetti of color! ahahaha

most white goes to the koreas for trying out what it means to be united, and for japan - coz of their generic-looking winter gear, so much like japan and yet not so much like japan, they're so cool!!! ahahahaha - ok bye.

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